Story Seeds, Powerful Words, and Cereal Inspiration with Laura Bower

Let’s welcome Laura Bower to the show! I met Laura through 12×12 and other’s I knew in her debut group, PBSOAR24. It was so much fun talking with her about planting story seeds and all the joy there is to find in the kidlit world in this week’s episode of Getting to The Heart of Why We Write Podcast!

Some Highlights:

The power within words.

Finding her way into children’s writing from the back of a Cheerio box.

The peace of writing outside of our homes (and to do lists).

Finding friends in the writing world.

The joy in connecting with others through stories.

Carving space for a writing practice in the time you have.

Final Words of Advice: Don’t rush.

A Few Takeaways

While talking with Laura, I really enjoyed thinking about words and the power within them. It’s not news to writers that words have power. We use them all day every day and who hasn’t spent 3 hours playing around with synonyms in a manuscript?

And yet, how often do we pause to think about why certain words are more powerful than others. As a subscriber to the Word A Day newsletter, often my favorite part is the quote on the bottom of the email. They range in everything from movie characters to centuries-old poets and everything in between.

I know I don’t stop to understand the power in the words around me as often as I could–but when’s a better time to start than right now?

On that note, here is one of my favorites from that list of saved quotes I keep:

My interior world has always been sacred to me, I could spend all my days attempting to describe it. Maybe that’s what all my writing is—the failure to describe the ineffable. I have dedicated my entire life to this failure.

-From Crying in the Bathroom by Erika L. Sanchez

Links Mentioned🔗:

The Imposter illustrated by Kerisa Green on Amazon, Bookshop, and Barnes and Noble

Emily Snook, the World’s Smallest Cook illustrated by Rekha Salin is now available for preorder on Amazon, Bookshop, and Barnes and Noble

Laura’s website, Twitter, and Instagram


Melissa Stoller

The 12×12 Writing Challenge


Book Recommendations📚:

Old Friends by Margaret Aitken illustrated by Lenny Wen (the main character is totally the life I lived–joy with old friends)

Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano

Stay tuned for next week’s interview with Erin Chesnut and some possible surprises!👀

Gina is a professional ghostwriter with over three years of experience and special expertise in content marketing. Her narrative nonfiction short story, “Bullet Hole,” was published November 2019 in Potato Soup Journal and again in their spring 2020 anthology of favorites. She has written for Imperfectly Perfect Mama, Thrive Global, Property Onion, and more. She is an active member of SCBWI and 12x12 Picture Book Challenge.


  1. […] Heart of Why We Write. If you haven’t yet, check out previous interviews like last week with Laura Bower and this mini episode with Lynn […]

  2. […] week we have author Diana I Kline. In the meantime, catch up on past episodes like this one with Laura Bower about story seeds or the one about self publishing myths with Lauren […]

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