Relinquishing Control, Bilingual Writing, and Boost of Encouragement with Author-Illustrator Lea Maryanow

Put your hands together for kidlit author-illustrator Lea Maryanow! I met Lea through 12×12 and had already unknowingly read her beautiful book nearly a year before! 

I hope you enjoy our chat and hearing some much needed words of encouragement (speaking for myself here😂). For a boost to your writing week or season in life, here are a couple quotes from the interview that I might just get embroidered on throw pillows for my office:

 “Because I hope that what I have to say, the world needs. And I say that as humble as I can because why would anyone want to know what I have to say? I’m just this one human.”

Lea Maryanow
Kidlit Author Lea Maryanow

“The journey is the destination.”

Lea Maryanow

Final Advice:

“To slow down. To acknowledge and realize there’s a lot to learn. You don’t need to and you cannot know everything at once and that’s okay. You are not alone. Every author has gone through this. It’s a process. And taking breaks is okay. It’s necessary.”

Lea Maryanow

Some Highlights:

Balancing writing for adults teaching children and writing for children.🖊️

Getting started in the picture book world, 12×12 and SCBWI.

Inspiring stories through bilingualism and bicultural living.

The key to letting go of finding the right answer when writing.🔑

Links Mentioned🔗:

Stripes by Lea Maryanow on Bookshop, Petunia’s Place, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble

Lea’s website

Lea on Instagram, Facebook, and Bluesky 

The 12×12 Picture Book Challenge

The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators

Book Recommendations📚:

The Boo Crew Needs You by Vicky Fang

Bilal Cooks Daal by Aisha Saeed, illustrated by Anoosha Syed

Wishes by Mượn Thị Văn, illustrated by Victo Ngai

Kidlit Author Lea Maryanow

Thank you, Lea! Make sure to check out the next episode with author Roxanne Chester and a possible bonus episode! 🎧🎧🎧

And in the meantime, make sure you’re all caught up on these past episodes of Why We Write.

Gina is a professional ghostwriter with over three years of experience and special expertise in content marketing. Her narrative nonfiction short story, “Bullet Hole,” was published November 2019 in Potato Soup Journal and again in their spring 2020 anthology of favorites. She has written for Imperfectly Perfect Mama, Thrive Global, Property Onion, and more. She is an active member of SCBWI and 12x12 Picture Book Challenge.
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