Overcooked Ideas and Writing to Learn What You Want to Know with Author Jessica Speer

Please welcome author Jessica Speer to this episode of Getting to the Heart of Why We Write! Jessica is such a phenomenal human and I’ve enjoyed every time our paths have crossed in SCBWI events, seeing her present at panels and conferences. 

If you ever get the chance, sign up for one of her classes or presentations. Highly highly recommend!💯💯💯💯

Jessica Speer Author of The Phone Book appearing on Getting to the Heart of Why We Write podcast

Some Highlights:

Where we learn our relationship skills and how fiction can shape them.

Different ways the writing community can connect authors/illustrators/kidlit creators in the publishing world.

When you’re out of ideas and “overcooked” and need to take a break.🍲

Writing is really learning. Yes, we’re all nerds!📚

Find other things outside of writing that bring you joy. That is how you keep doing it.

How can you nurture yourself?🌱

We all need more fun, engaging self improvement activities.

Find a critique group you love. It’s like dating! You’ve got to find the right dynamic.♥️

I always enjoy what Jessica has to say whether she’s presenting at a conference, speaking at the Nonfiction Connect I co-lead for the Rocky Mountain Chapter of SCBWI or simply sharing lunch and a cup of tea. She is a stellar human and a phenomenal friend.

What she said about finding a critique group really resonated with me because I’ve had plenty of mismatched groups over the years that were discouraging in the beginning. But, really you wouldn’t go on a date with just anyone, so why do we feel the need to gather whatever humans are willing into a group setting to critique our most precious words?

Though it can be frustrating to not have a sounding board for your manuscript, I recommend what Jessica said about treating it like dating. You wouldn’t tell someone you love them on the second date, so maybe don’t share the manuscript of your heart at the first meeting.

Feel out group dynamics, don’t be afraid to bring in new faces and let others go. You don’t write because it’s easy or because you’re trying to get it over with, so take your time finding the right fit for you.♥️♥️♥️

Links Mentioned🔗:

Jessica’s website

Jessica on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram

The Phone Book on Bookshop, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble

BFF or NRF (Not Really Friends): A Girl’s Guide to Happy Friendships on Bookshop, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble

Middle School – Safety Goggles Advised on Familius, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble

SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators)

Book Recommendations📚:

Look on The Bright Side by Lily Williams and Karen Schneemann

Jessica Speer Author of The Phone Book appearing on Getting to the Heart of Why We Write podcast

Stay tuned for next week with author Ronni Diamondstein! And in the meantime make sure you’re all caught up on past episodes like last week’s talk with author-illustrator Ana Velez.

Gina is a professional ghostwriter with over three years of experience and special expertise in content marketing. Her narrative nonfiction short story, “Bullet Hole,” was published November 2019 in Potato Soup Journal and again in their spring 2020 anthology of favorites. She has written for Imperfectly Perfect Mama, Thrive Global, Property Onion, and more. She is an active member of SCBWI and 12x12 Picture Book Challenge.

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  1. […] surprises! While you’re waiting, make sure you’re all caught up on past episodes like this one with author Jessica Speer about overcooked ideas and […]

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