Author Spotlight: Gina Soldano-Herrle Author of Nia’s Rescue Box

Hello, hello! It’s been a minute and that is because (please improvise drumroll)…

I’ve been finalizing publication details for Nia’s Rescue Box, my picture book illustrated by Abi Joy Eaton!!

It’s real. Really real! It’s available for preorder on Amazon and everything! I actually received the proofs of the printed paperback this morning and words can’t describe how it felt to hold and flip through this story with my family gathered around me.

It was beyond surreal.

So, today I thought I’d share a bit about myself and Nia’s Rescue Box by sharing my answers to the questions I typically ask other authors in this spotlight series.

Best time/place to write?

In an ideal world, before sunrise, alone at my desk (or the folding table I use now). Realistically though? I hurriedly write on the couch using my laptop in 15 second spurts between interruptions from my son.

Why do you write?

Because I can’t not. There are times I go through life without creating a single written word. My journal will sit empty for months, my computer files unopened. This happens for various reasons like life taking unexpected turns–hello, two year layover in Ohio–or needing a break for my mental health.

And every time once I start writing again, I feel like I’m rediscovering myself. It’s how I stay connected to myself and the world around me. Plus I’m waaaaaay less grumpy once I’ve written for the day.

How do you overcome obstacles?

There are plenty I haven’t yet overcome, but I owe a lot to my husband and son. Most of the moments when I felt like chicken little and the sky was falling, my husband was there to tell me it was only a leaf. I can’t imagine having gotten a book through the indie publishing process without his encouragement and support. 

Also, nothing beats how excited my son was today when he took my proof copy into his room and added it to his bookshelf. Then he asked me when my next one was coming!

Taking things one step at a time helps too. Even if that step is so tiny. I try to remind myself all I have to do is take one more step and I’ll be that much closer to my goal. Even minuscule movement forward will eventually get you where you want to go.

How has your involvement in the writing community affected your life? When did you first get involved?

I would never have made it this far without my writing community. I first signed up for SCBWI in December 2021. Within a month I’d grown very involved and helped my Rocky Mountain chapter start a Nonfiction Connect. I’ve met so many magnificent people and true friends through that organization and can’t imagine my life without my Nonfiction folks!

I’d also like to mention the first critique group I had from the Write Cohort that encouraged me along the path when I first started writing picture books in 2019. Like many writers, I thought I had to write adult novels at first and still have a couple in my old files. 

Also, the Wordwolves of Fort Collins, a writing group that came together with people I met through SCBWI and other parts of my life, who were the first readers of Nia’s Rescue Box.

Are you working on any other books at the moment?

Of course! I have a memoir in revision, several picture books in varying stages of completion, a MG that might turn into a YA, and other odds and ends.

How do you refill the creative well?

Reading is the best way for me to refresh. Spending time in nature helps a lot, especially when I feel too close to a piece of writing. Certain TV shows inspire my work too–especially fantasy series. Oh! And I can’t forget meditation. Though my practice isn’t as disciplined as it once was, it still helps me enormously to meditate nearly every day (now with my son!).

If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice when you first began your writing journey, what would it be?

Just take one step. One after another will add up to one day opening a package with your completed book. 

Of course marketing is a whole other monstrous beast I need to take on now, but I will continue one step at a time. Multitasking is a myth anyway.

Tell us about your book, where to buy it and the best places to contact you?

You can preorder Nia’s Rescue Box for Kindle today! The print version is still under final approval with Amazon’s bureaucratic powers that be. Also, I am working on getting it up through IngramSpark so independent booksellers can sell the print version as well.

The best way to reach me is through my email or social media. Although, I don’t check my social channels every day! Instagram is where I am most often though I do have Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook.

Thank you all so much for being here on this journey of idea to Kickstarter to publication! Keep an eye out for signings and readings coming soon! I will be in Fort Collins, CO in early November to promote Nia’s Rescue Box and I hope to schedule more appearances near my home in Ohio and virtually. 

If you or anyone you know is looking for an author to visit their classroom or community, please let me know! I’d be happy to help!

Gina is a professional ghostwriter with over three years of experience and special expertise in content marketing. Her narrative nonfiction short story, “Bullet Hole,” was published November 2019 in Potato Soup Journal and again in their spring 2020 anthology of favorites. She has written for Imperfectly Perfect Mama, Thrive Global, Property Onion, and more. She is an active member of SCBWI and 12x12 Picture Book Challenge.


  1. […] tuned for more upcoming interviews and news on Nia’s Rescue Box. It is now available for preorder in ebook and will be out in the next week or so in […]

  2. […] is all very surreal and when I held the first proof copy in my hands just weeks ago, it was unlike anything I expected. All the feelings flooding and above […]

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