Today’s guest is author-illustrator Jena Benton. Talking with her was so inspiring, I had to stop myself from writing down everything she said as a quote to share. Please enjoy her love of language, books, Alaska, community, and creativity.

Some Highlights:
The impact teachers can have early on, whether to encourage or discourage our creativity.
Writing play manuscripts in high school.
“Networking is about the friends you make along the way.”
Soundproof kid’s corners for loud reading.
Book recommendation love and kidlit obsession.
Alaskan road systems.
The traveling bard revival and why we need more oral storytellers.
Cheesecake moments.
It is important to have a community to support you through obstacles and let yourself experience the obstacles–be sad–but have a deadline to get back up and keep going.
Listening to the music of words.
Advice: Listen to your instincts, don’t listen to other people.
Her drawing that her art teacher told her to choose between art and writing that you could only do one. No, she tells others not to listen to the naysayers–you do you.
The power of a story.
“We can learn so much from a story. We can enjoy a story. We learn how to be who we are and build our belief systems based on the books that we enjoy.”
Jena Benton
Links Mentioned🔗:
Jena on Redbubble
Jena on Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
Sisters in Crime (Mystery Writers)
The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) – she is the Illustrator Coordinator for her Alaskan chapter
The 12×12 Picture Book Challenge
“There is something deep inside our DNA that is drawn to and driven by story from a very young age.”
Jena Benton
Book Recommendations📚:
Kauai’s Call by Jena Benton, illustrated by Kristi Petosa-Sigil only available HERE.
Best in Show by David Elliott, illustrated by many people
Counting Winter by Nancy White Carlstrom, illustrated by Claudia McGehee
The Quiet Book by Deborah Underwood, illustrated by Renata Liwska
Interstellar Cinderella Deborah Underwood, illustrated by Meg Hunt
The Man Who Didn’t Like Animals by Deborah Underwood, illustrated by LeUyen Pham

A big thank you to Jena for coming on the show and another big thank you to you, listener! Stay tuned for the next podcast with author Emily Dangremond. And in case you missed it, here are my interviews with author Roxanne Chester and author Laura Bower.